Tag Archives: fat

David Bowie Can Pull It Off, You Can Not

Boy? Girl? Neither I bet!

Boy? Girl? Neither I bet!

Androgyny, some people can work it. Others should not. Honestly, I have no idea if this tub of butter is a male or a female. I suppose I could guess and have a 50% chance of being right. But what if it’s one of them boths? Or what if it’s a neither? I guess that’s why they put the 0 and 00 green numbers on the roulette table. Kinda puts a bit more risk in the game.

I could knock this person for being fat. I mean after all, it’s belly does stick out farther than it’s boobs. Bad if it is a girl, good if it’s a guy. And that’s no spare tire, that’s a full on replacement tire. I’d bet dollars to donuts that’s not a diet drink, and I also bet this person would be more than happy to lose that bet wit the prospect of free donuts.

Back to the androgynous part. At least get a haircut that reflects your gender more. If you’re actually a girl, try some make up (although there might be a misconception that pancake makeup is syrup here). If you’re really a guy, at least were a shirt that says, if you can read this then I’m not at the diner stuffing my face full of buttered bacon and ranch filled cheezy french fries. Something to give society a mere hint as to how to address you other than, “Slow down tubby, you’re not on the moon yet!”

Also because those poor shorts look like they are ready to split right where your crotch should be, that is why you’re ugly. Although I have to admit, tipple stitching seams seems to work, thankfully. That’s a tidal wave of pure horror begin held back.